Coming up next, the human heart. Just a simple sculpting and also playing ard with polypainting.

Droide_n_Heart from waynego777 on Vimeo.
Droide_n_Heart from waynego777 on Vimeo.
Dracula sculpting from waynego777 on Vimeo.
This is the 2nd test sculpt i do in Zbrush.VanquishGun(custome texture) from waynego777 on Vimeo.
You might be familiar with this weapon, as it is the gun of the vanquish enemy.
But i custom texture it into more grungy look with armies favorite tattoo. It end up imperfect in term of the grungy bump i made, but i'll try reconstruct the bump map more accurate. Hope u guys like it.
Comment and critique is welcome !!!
monster_sculpt_1st WIP from waynego777 on Vimeo.